Thursday, 26 April 2012

Yum Yum Bubble Gum

GOSH that is...

I was in a super girly-pinky-type mood (for some strange reason) the other day.  Instantly I thought of Bubble Gum!  Off to my polish display I went! (Yeah, I just said display lol.)

GOSH Bubble Gum is a creme polish.  The application is pretty good (a tad streaky.)  The wear was excellent though.  This is a great polish for nail art - nice and opaque.  I love the colour - really pretty :)

(I'm wearing three coats in the pic - tho I could have gotten away with two me thinks.)  Also, this first pic was taken with my camera, so the colour is more accurate.

Soooo... once I had lovely pink nails... I just *had* to art them up a bit.  (I think I see a blank canvas when my nails are a solid colour like that... I just can't seem to leave them alone!)

Andddd...  Since I can always use the practise, I thought I would try more flowers.  I was pretty happy with the result but will definitely be practising more.
*wheels start turning*

For this look I used:

Nubar - foundation basecoat
Gosh - bubble gum (base colour)
Gosh - flamingo
Gosh - wild lilac
Gosh - early green
OPI - alpine snow
Seche Vite - dry fast top coat

So watcha think?  What's your go-to pink polish?

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Galaxy Nails

Galaxy nails have quickly become one of my favourite polish looks to do.  I love how you can switch up the colours and have a new look each time.  I first learnt this by watching a great video tutorial done by Polish & Pearls: How To: Galaxy Nails.

The colours I used are a bit different (list at the bottom.)  I used only one polish for the 'stars'.  I also added a polish with some sparkle to it (DS magic.)
*Loves sparkles*

I hope you like my version of Galaxy Nail painting :)  Have you tried it yet?

In Order of Appearance:
Nubar - foundation base coat
OPI - black onyx
OPI - fly
China Glaze - for audrey
OPI - pink flamenco
OPI - DS magic
Revlon - stunning
Seche Vite - dry fast topcoat

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Thank You Perilously Pale!

A great big thank you to Perilously Pale for the awesome prize!

I was lucky enough to win an April Topbox from a recent Perilously Pale blog giveaway.

It just arrived!

This is
a) the first item I've ever won on a blog &
b) the first Topbox (or other subscription) I've ever had!

 So needless to say I really appreciate the great giveaway win :)

Check out the Perilously Pale blog here:

btw You can find another amazing giveaway there:

Friday, 13 April 2012

Cherry Blossom Nails

I am a newbie, and I'm still a little shy about posting my nail art...  (Is it good enough?...  Will they like it?...)

But that's why we're all here though, right?

So without further ado I give you: My 'Cherry Blossom Nails'

Nubar - foundation basecoat
Essie - turquiose & caicos
Wet n wild - black creme
Gosh - flamingo
Gosh - bubble gum
Gosh - early green
Seche Vite - dry fast top coat

I had a hard time capturing the actual colour of the essie on my nails.  Below is a picture showing the true colour 'turqiouse & caicos'.

Thanks so much for reading and please feel free to leave comments below :)

You Know You're Addicted When...

I have recently had a very profound self realization:  I have been in major denial for quite some time now...

I heard the term 'polish-aholic' and laughed.  "Pfftt...not me," I said...  "I can stop anytime I want to."

I now know "I'm addicted."

You Know You're Addicted When:
  • You will swatch nail polish onto anything you can get your hands on.
  • You are swatching in bed, with your head on the pillow, right before you turn out the light.
  • You go straight to the nail polish aisle of every store you enter.
  • You have more posts in your Facebook news feed from Nail Polish/Art pages than from your own friends.
  • You just cannot forget *that polish* you saw in the store the other day.
  • You are displaying your nail polish.
  • There is always a certain polish/colour you are looking to find *somewhere*.
  • You are showing the men in your family cool nail art you've seen online.
  • You spend hours reading thru nail polish & art blogs.
  • You are buying nail polish as your 'treat'.
  • You buy nail polish online.
  • Your mother asks you if she should be worried when you tell her you just bought eleven bottles of nail polish...
Soooo... What happens if you don't want to stop?

I ask you: Is there some kind of therapy for this kind of addiction?!

Please feel free to post a comment below.  I'm curious - do you have another way to tell you're addicted to nail polish and/or nail art?

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

And Awaaaaay We Go!

This is just a starter to say hello... And awaaaaay we go!

Well here I am in the process of creating a nail blog.  Who me??  Couldn't be... lol

I've been reading so many amazing nail polish/art blogs that I have been inspired to do a bit o' blogging myself.  I've learnt so much from these amazing ladies that are writing these great blogs, I have to give thanks :)  Which I hope to in the near future...

We won't even *start* talking about my nail polish addiction yet...  That's a long and twisted tale.

My mind is reeling with all the nail topics I could write about... Where to begin?...

As I talk about beginnings it's time for me to end this post.  A busy life calls, sorry...

I do look forward to discussing many nail adventures with everyone :)  And as always I will be reading on...

Over and out...